City of Denver
City of Denver Office of Sustainability
2019 Sustainable Denver Summit
2018 Sustainable Denver Summit
2017 Sustainable Denver Summit
2016 Sustainable Denver Summit
The Sustainable Denver Summit brings together hundreds of leaders from across the city’s business, nonprofit and civic communities to develop and announce commitments for new and expanded initiatives that will help Denver achieve its ambitious 2020 Sustainability Goals.
City of Denver Office of Economic Development
Innovate! Solutions Forum on Housing, 2019
Building Opportunity, A Solutions Forum on Housing, 2018
Inclusive Communities: A Solutions Forum on Housing, 2017
Hosted by the Mayor’s Office for the City and County of Denver, The Solutions Forum on Housing provided an opportunity for residents and leaders in the public, private, and non-profit sectors to convene and discuss policy tools and investment strategies to create, preserve and promote affordable housing throughout the Denver metropolitan area and surrounding regions.
City of Denver Public Health and the Environment
2022 We Got This! Teen Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Summit
The inaugural We Got This! Summit brought together more than 300 teens, young adults, and parents from the Denver-metro area to participate in the first We Got This! Youth Mental Health Summit for a day of peer-based interactive workshops and presentations aimed at raising awareness of and garnering insights around the issues that youth face today regarding mental health and suicide.